There were two Sufis - a big Sufi trend and a small Sufi under-training.

There were two Sufis - a big Sufi trend and a small Sufi under-training.

 Accompanied by the younger Sufi, the older Sufi wandered the streets and bazaars. As he walked, he took him to a forest.
 As I said earlier, it was raining heavily, the forest was wet and there were piles of wood everywhere in the forest.
 There were piles of branches of leaves - this great Sufi saw that in the pile of branches and leaves there was a withered snake, some twisted.

 The Sufi felt great pity - he went ahead and picked up the snake -

 The little Sufi said, what do the Holy Prophet do.  The snake is vicious - don't pick it up.

 He said: No, the poor is compelled, the wounded, the wounded is retail, Allah's creation.  Some consideration should be given to this -
 So he took the snake in his hand.
 Then, while talking, the two of them went through many stages.
 When the cold wind blew, the swinging snake began to regain consciousness. And when it regained consciousness, it became strong.
 When he became powerful, he bit the Sufi's hand.

 When bitten, he placed the snake near the root of a tree with great love and affection.
 Because he is now in a safe place.
 Now it will slowly revive itself here. It will go wherever its heart is.
 The little Sufi said: "Look, sir! I did not say that this is a predator."
 Will disinfect you.  Then why are you taking it with you?

 You are very wise. You have to teach me.

 So he said, "No, that's not the way to thank him. That's how snakes thank you."
  Ashfaq Ahmed, Angle 2
