Why is the human stomach called its second brain? Some facts you don't know

 Men's heart passes through the stomach, why the human stomach is called its second brain, some facts you do not know

 The path of the heart of men passes through the stomach and if one wants to win their heart it can be won by the same path - this is an old saying which we have heard from our elders since childhood but in recent times this saying Experts have made a slight change and they have identified the stomach or stomach as the second brain of man. And they attribute this to the fact that the human body has the largest number of neurons after the brain.

 Surprising facts about the system

 The human digestive system contains many amazing secrets that many people were not aware of before today but now they are being revealed according to the latest research.

 1: The digestive system does not need a brain

 Dr. Megan Ross, a gastroenterologist and PhD student in gastrointestinal health, says that the nerve cells in our digestive system form an independent nervous system and do not need brain guidance to function. Being connected to the central nervous system, they are free to make their own decisions and perform their digestive functions independently.

 2: The body's immune system depends on the stomach

 The importance of the digestive system in the body can be gauged from the fact that up to 70% of our body's immune system depends on the health of the stomach. Any disorder in it can affect all the organs of the body and cause disease.

 3: Waste can also be transplanted

 According to nutritionists, just as kidney, liver and other organs can be transplanted for human health, if the number of bad bacteria in a person's body is high then transplant the waste of a healthy person inside it. By doing this, the health of the digestive system can be improved.

 4: Not only do we eat food but our germs also eat it

 Just as we like certain foods and dislike some of them, so the germs in our digestive system also like certain foods and eating them improves their number and health. That is why people who eat the same food The same germs in the stomach gain strength, which weakens the digestive system, so it is important to eat a balanced diet.

 5: There is more harm in eating than in eating

 If someone repeatedly tells you that this food can be harmful to you, it also affects your intestines and there comes a time when you feel allergic to this food and According to Dr. Rousseau, more people eat than they eat
