Prevent corona; boost immunity

Prevent corona; boost immunity

According to the latest figures, the number of people infected with the corona virus, which has been declared a global pandemic, has exceeded 4.235 million worldwide and 258,000 people have responded to the death toll, but the available figures  According to statistics, there are more than 1.5 million people who have defeated Code 19, which poses the greatest threat to mankind.

 Tadam Tahrir It is impossible to say definitively for what reasons this deadly epidemic defeats 'some' human beings?  But a number of experts have so far concluded from research that man's conviction, his strong willpower, and his powerful immune system are capable of thwarting the deadly attacks of Code 19.

 Medical experts believe that if the human immune system is strong, the infected body will be able to better fight all kinds of dangerous and deadly microbes, including code 19.

 The million dollar question here is how can a common man strengthen his immune system?  So that they can be protected from epidemics like Code 19.  There is currently no shortage of experts on social networking sites, including the media, who are prescribing the most expensive drugs to boost the body's immune system.

 Sadly, it is not even known what the side effects of the prescribed drugs will be.  And can everyone use them?  This is because there are a number of strength supplements that can kill people with heart disease if used.  Similarly, people with diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory system, brain and kidney diseases cannot use all kinds of tonics because otherwise it can be fatal for them.

 With this in mind, we are introducing readers here to fruits and vegetables that they have been using for a long time and are well aware of, but most of them may not be aware of the fact that their use gives strength.  Immunity is greatly increased.

 Nutritionists say that fruits that are rich in vitamin C are very helpful in boosting the immune system.  Such fruits include cane, malt, strawberry, lemon and pomegranate among others.  Similarly, kiwi fruit is also an excellent source of immunity.

 According to nutritionists, the antioxidants in strawberries, which are rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium and magnesium, help boost the immune system.

 Canoe is considered to be the best way to boost immunity.  It contains a large amount of vitamin C.  Canoe also strengthens the white blood cells in the human body.  Not only does this increase your ability to fight infections but it also boosts your immune system.

 Kiwi fruit is said to be rich in vitamin C.  This fruit is also rich in vitamin E which boosts the body's T cells and boosts the immune system.

 Papaya is a fruit that contains significant amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E which increase the body's immune system.

 Now some mention of the so-called king of fruits, the mango, which has already begun.  Mango contains a large amount of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A once it enters the body.  It promotes better bone development and strengthens the body's immune system.  According to nutritionists, this vitamin strengthens eyesight.  Mango also contains a large amount of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.

 According to medical experts, if these fruits are eaten, better results will be obtained, but if it is intended to be used in the form of juice, then the addition of sugar in it should be avoided.

 From Karachi to Khyber, all these fruits are now easily available in the markets and ordinary people can easily buy them and use them for Iftar and Sahar.

 According to nutritionists, in addition to fiber, sulfur, vitamin B, vitamin K, potassium, steel, phosphorus, zinc and calcium, vitamin C is also found in large quantities.  This vegetable is the best way to boost immunity.

 Cabbage is incomparable in its usefulness.  It would not be wrong to call this vegetable an invaluable gift of nature to human beings.

 The use of green tea is also said to increase immunity.  Its use benefits patients with high blood pressure and cholesterol.  Green tea is rich in antioxidants which are considered to be the best for health.

 There is no substitute for yogurt to boost human immunity.  Yogurt is rich in protein as well as probiotics, which boost the human immune system.

 According to nutritionists, if dried fruits such as almonds, walnuts, dates, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are used, they can also help boost human immunity because they are rich in zinc, magnesium and omega-3s.  Goes
