Summary of Human Body Biology

 Summary of Human Body Biology 

Summary of Human Body Biology

 1: Number of bones 206.

 2: Number of muscles 639.

 3: Number of kidneys 2.

 4: Number of milk teeth 20.

 5: Number of ribs 24 (12 pairs)

 6: Number of heart chambers 4.

 7: Large arterial aorta.

 8: Normal blood pressure 120 / 80mmHg.

 9: Blood pH 7.4

 10: Number of spinal cords 33

 11: Number of cashews in the neck 7.

 12: Number of bones in the middle ear 6.

 13: Number of bones in the face 14.

 14: Number of bones in the skull 22.

 15: Number of bones in the chest 25.

 16: Number of bones in arms 6.

 17: Number of muscles in the human arm 72.

 18: Number of heart pumps 2.

 19: The skin of the largest organ

 20: The largest gland in the liver

 21: The largest female ohm of the cell.

 22: The smallest cell male sperm.

 23: The smallest pieces of bone

 24: First Argued Heart Transplant.

 25: The average length of the small intestine is 7m.

 26: The average length of the large intestine is 1.5 meters.

 27: The average weight of a newborn baby is 2.6 kg.

 28: Pulse rate 72 times per minute.

 29: Normal body temperature 37 C ° (98.4 F °)

 30: Average blood volume 4 to 5 liters.

 31: The life span of RBC is 120 days.

 32: The life span of WBC is 13 to 20 days.

 33: Pregnancy period 280 days (40 weeks)

 34: Number of bones in human feet 33.

 35: Number of bones in each wrist 8.

 36: Number of bones in hand 27.

 37: Largest endocrine gland thyroid.

 38: Largest lymphatic organ spleen.

 39: The largest part of the cerebral cortex.

 40: Largest and strongest bone femur.

 41: Small Muscular Steps (Middle Ear)

 41: Number of chromosomes 46 (23 pairs)

 42: Number of bones in a newborn baby 306.

 43: Blood watch 4.5 to 5.5.

 44: Universal Donor Blood Group A.

 45: Universal Recipient Blood Group AB.

 46: Largest WBC monosite.

 47: The smallest WBC lymphocyte.

 48: Increase the number of RBCs called polycythemia.

 49: Blood bank spleen in the body.

 50: Non-nucleated blood cell is RBC.

 51: RBC produced in Bone Marrow.

 52: The river of life is called blood.

 53: Normal blood cholesterol level 250 mg / dL.

 54: The thinnest part of blood is plasma.

 55: Normal blood sugar 100 mg / dL.
